Saturday, January 31, 2009

she's crafty

I've been on the hunt for a fancy way to hang my aprons in the kitchen and this is what I came up with. Thanks to the sale bin at Anthropologie & a return, I had myself a new piece of wall art and an activity for a Saturday evening. (I'm lucky that I have a husband who gets a kick out of projects like this)

To top the night off, Robby & I made a delicious new recipe that I'm saving for another post on another day...this recipe is definitely worth a post of its own.

Happy Superbowling tomorrow! (and by that I mean eating an array of finger foods that you would normally feel guilty for)

p.s. Does anyone know where I can find lemongrass in Provo? I'm on the hunt.


aubrie said...

Hi Kelsey. I attended your cooking class at Thanksgiving Point last week and it was great! The only place near Provo I've seen lemongrass is Sunflower Market in Orem.

Rachel Hagen said...

Hey Kelsey, Found your blog. it's great! I love the craft project. very fun.

Jen said...

That EAT sign/apron hanger is too cute!!!

I've just started reading your you have show on TV?

Andy said...

If you're still looking for it....I saw lemongrass at Harmons (800 N. Orem)